Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013

The role of intelligence and emotional intelligence in children of primary school

Success of human life is not only determined by how intellectual wit. as clever-clever man, if not supported by an adequate attitude and personality will not reflect a healthy and mature individual. considering the many challenges faced by children in later life, parents and teachers need to provide guidance and direction to the intellectual and emotional capabilities.

Through the intellectual structure of Guilford, to realize that human mental activity, including the interaction of the process, content and products. each has its own elements because by drawing the structure of intellect Guilford will be obtained 120 human mental activity. Of Guilford's depiction strruktur intellect, parents and teachers are expected to provide optimal stimulation to the elements contained in the whole of human mental activity.

Parents and teachers also play a major role in developing the emotional skills of children. How to live with the emotions that sehatdan how big a role in a healthy emotional life and the educational success of a child is not in doubt.

In the world of education sometimes found less-capable students or students who are capable of very good. they have intelligence far below or far above average most students are known by students who have extreme intelligence. It seems that this needs to be known and understood by teachers, in particular. Teachers should provide appropriate stimuli to the child's needs.

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